Thursday, February 24, 2011


for an english project we had to do the biggest confliction in our life and what the outcome was, and i haven't really had too many things like that in my life, besides small self conflicts, so i wanted to do this one idea that dealt with me kind of deciding where to go with my life, but for the idea i needed a canoe, and i couldn't come about one, so i went and looked through my photo journal that i started at the beginning of this year, and i saw a picture idea i came up with when i was kind of going through some depression. I had this one friend that was in college, and when she came home she always had lots of stories to tell me, which i loved hearing because obviously they were fun, but after she told me hours of fairly pointless stories, she never asked me or my other friend how we had been, like not the slightest interest, she only hung out with us so she could talk about herself and it really bothered me. It seemed like she was there and a good friend, but in the end it was just a kind of deception to me, she was only there as a friend when she wanted us there for her, but it was never a two way street.
Any who so this is the final idea, also the project was biggest confliction, but i can't remember what it actually was so until i remember i'm just going to say that

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My portfolio is due in a couple months, and I'm pretty stressed about it, but the way i deal with stress is by pushing it to the back of my mind and doing nothing about it, which in the end screws me over. I feel like time is just kind of slipping by me and I can't get myself to do much about it. Took some cliche sand pictures to describe how i feel

unfortunately my flash trigger has been broken for about a month, and so for this i had lights but they wouldn't flash, not exactly creating the look i wanted, but it was enough. especially considering these aren't for anything. But i just drove to Calumet photography today to buy a new one, and thinking it would be under $100... but it was $236, too bad I'm already broke. kill me.